What can mess up plumbing?

September 8, 2021

Mitchel Plumbing Gas

What can mess up plumbing?

It's a good thing most plumbers have a sense of humour because when it comes to plumbing, there are plenty of things that can go wrong.

From clogs and leaks to busted pipes and overflowing septic tanks, plumbing problems come in all shapes and sizes. And unfortunately, they can happen at any time - often when you least expect them.

So if you're not careful, anything from harsh chemicals in your home products to roots growing in your drainage system can quickly turn into a major plumbing disaster.

But don't worry - with a little knowledge and some common sense precautions, most of these problems can be avoided. So read on for some helpful tips on how to keep your plumbing running smoothly...

What can mess up plumbing in your home?

Let's break down the plumbing systems in homes so we can identify what can go wrong where: There are waterline systems, drainage systems and hot water systems.

Waterlines - the system of pipes that delivers fresh water to your home. These are usually buried underground and are not susceptible to many problems. However, if the waterlines freeze or break, it can cause a major leak.

Drainage - the system of pipes that carries wastewater and sewage away from your home. These are usually located underground as well, but can also be found in your basement or crawlspace. Common problems with drainage pipes include roots growing into them, grease build-up and disposing of trash through the plumbing system.

Hot water system - the system of pipes that delivers hot water to your home. These are usually located in your attic or crawlspace. Common problems with hot water pipes include old water heaters, old hoses and leaks.

As you see there are different types of plumbing systems in homes, each with their own potential problems. But there are some general things that can mess up any type of plumbing, no matter where it's located. It could be when the plumbing is done upon construction or years later.

What are the most common plumbing problems?

Now that we understand the different plumbing systems in homes, let's take a look at some of the most common problems that can occur:

1. Clogged drains -

When grease, hair, soap scum and other debris build up in your drains, it can cause them to become clogged. This can lead to water backing up in your sink, tub or toilet and can cause a nasty mess.

You might be surprised that the most common cause of a blocked bathroom drain is the accumulation of soap scum. This is because most people don't realize that soap doesn't just wash down the drain when you're done with it. A small amount of soap residue is left behind each time you use the sink, shower or tub, and over time this can build up and cause a blockage.

Is it OK to pour vinegar down the drain?

Is it a myth or fact that vinegar can be used to clean a clogged drain? Pouring vinegar down the drain will NOT unclog your drain. In fact, it may even make your clog worse!

Plumbing problems in the bathroom

Besides a blocked drain in a bathroom, another common problem is a toilet that won't flush. This is usually caused by a build-up of toilet paper or other debris in the bowl, which can be easily fixed by using a plunger.

If you wonder where the toilet drain ends up, it is in the sewer. But is it the same drain as your  sink? In Australia, the toilet is actually required by law to have its own drain so that sewage can't back up into the other fixtures. So if you have a blocked toilet, it won't affect your other drains.

If your toilet is constantly running or leaking, however, it's likely that you have a more serious problem. This could be a sign of a cracked tank or bowl, which will need to be replaced by a professional.

2. Leaky pipes -

Pipes can leak for a number of reasons, such as loose connections, corroded pipes or cracked pipes. A leaky pipe can cause water damage to your home and wasted water, which will increase your water bill. Water damage could be a small leak over long periods of time or a large leak that causes immediate damage such as a burst pipe!

A burst pipe is a more serious problem than a slow leak, and it can cause extensive water damage to your home. A burst pipe usually happens when there is a blockage in the pipe, which causes the water pressure to build up and eventually cause the pipe to burst.

What happens when a water pipe breaks?

If a water pipe bursts, it can cause a lot of damage to your home. Water will gush out of the broken pipe and flood the area, causing damage to floors, walls and furniture. If the leak is not fixed quickly, it can also lead to mould and mildew problems.  

3. What causes low water pressure in whole house?

If you have low water pressure, it could be due to a problem with the municipal water supply or a problem with your plumbing. If you have a private well, it could be due to a problem with the well pump or water tank.

Low water pressure can also be caused by leaks in your pipes or fixtures. If you have a leak, it could be because of a loose connection, a crack in the pipe or a corroded pipe.

If you have low water pressure, it's important to find the cause of the problem and fix it as soon as possible. Otherwise, you could end up with serious water damage to your home.

3. Water heater problems -

If you have an electric water heater, the most common problem is a tripped circuit breaker. If this happens, you'll need to reset the breaker.

If you have a gas water heater, the most common problem is a faulty pilot light. If your pilot light goes out, you'll need to relight it.

If your water heater is making strange noises, it could be because of sediment build-up. Over time, minerals in the water can settle at the bottom of the tank and cause a build-up of sediment. This can cause the water heater to make strange noises and eventually break down.

If your water heater is leaking, it's important to turn it off right away and call a plumber. A leaky water heater can cause serious water damage to your home.

Do It Yourself fixes might make it worth it?

Sometimes the quickest and easiest way to fix a plumbing problem is to do it yourself. But while this might save you time and money in the short term, it could end up costing you a lot more in the long run.

That's because plumbing problems can be tricky, and if you don't know what you're doing, you could end up making the problem worse.

If you need a qualified plumber in the Brisbane area, Contact us at Mitchell Plumbing and Gas today. We're always happy to help!

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