7 Tips for Choosing the Right Water Heater for Your Home

September 8, 2021

Mitchel Plumbing Gas

7 Tips for Choosing the Right Water Heater for Your Home

Choosing the right water heater for your home is an important decision that should not be taken lightly. With so many different types of water heaters available, it's essential to take some time to research and understand all the options before making a purchase. By considering factors like size, energy efficiency rating, installation costs, fuel type and warranty coverage you can determine which model works best for your needs. Ultimately, when selecting a new water heater for your home it’s important to look at all aspects in order to make sure that you get one that will provide reliable performance without breaking the bank.

1. Consider the size of your home and how much hot water you use

When selecting the right water heater for your home, it is important to consider the size of your home and how much hot water you use. For example, a family of four may require a larger size than a single person living alone. Depending on the amount of hot water used in daily activities such as laundry, bathing, and cleaning dishes, a larger tank or multiple tanks may be needed.

2. Research different types of water heaters, including tankless and solar-powered models

Choose all types of water heaters available such as tankless, solar-powered models, or even electric ones. Tankless water heaters have a smaller footprint and can save energy costs but may not be suitable for larger homes with multiple hot water users. Solar powered water heaters are becoming increasingly popular with their ability to reduce energy costs by up to 50%, however, they require direct sunlight and may not be suitable for shaded areas. Electric water heaters are the most common and often the most economical option however, they’re not as energy efficient as other models.

3. Compare energy efficiency ratings to find the most cost-effective option

When selecting a water heater, compare the energy efficiency ratings of different models in order to identify the most cost-effective option. The higher the rating, the more efficient and less expensive it will be to run. Look for a model that is certified by Energy Star and/or has a minimum efficiency rating of 90%. Additionally, consider any rebates offered by local governments on energy-efficient water heaters. By doing this, you can save money over the long run while still enjoying the hot water you need in your home.

4. Read reviews from other homeowners who have purchased similar water heaters

Reading reviews from other homeowners who have purchased similar water heaters can provide helpful insight into the quality and performance of different models. Reviews from reliable sources, such as Consumer Reports and online ratings, can help you make an informed decision and give you a better understanding of how other people have found their chosen water heater to perform.

5. Determine if a professional installation is necessary or if it can be done yourself

It is important to determine whether a professional installation is necessary for the water heater that you are considering. In many cases, a professional installer will be able to provide helpful advice on the most suitable model for your home, as well as any additional installation costs associated with it. For instance, if you're looking at a tankless water heater, it may require special venting and additional piping to be installed which can increase the cost. However, some models may be more suitable for DIY installation if you have the necessary skills and tools.

6. Find out what kind of warranties are offered on the unit you choose

When choosing a water heater, it is important to find out what kind of warranties are offered. Different models may come with different warranty options, so make sure to compare warranties from different manufacturers. Most water heaters come with a limited one-year warranty that covers parts and labour. However, some models may also offer an extended warranty of up to 8 years that covers parts and labour, as well as additional costs associated with the installation.

7. Ask about any rebates available for purchasing an energy-efficient model

Many local governments offer rebates to homeowners who purchase energy-efficient water heaters. These rebates can be used to help offset the higher upfront cost of purchasing an energy-efficient model. Look for certified models that have earned the Energy Star label, as they are often eligible for rebates. Additionally, many utility companies offer their own rebates and incentives for customers who purchase energy-efficient water heaters. Be sure to ask your local utility company or government about any available rebates before making a final decision.


choosing the right water heater can be an overwhelming task. However, by following these tips, you'll be well on your way to finding the perfect model for your home. Be sure to research the different models available, read reviews from other homeowners, and consult with a professional if needed. Additionally, look into any rebates and warranties offered to help make the purchase more affordable in the long run. With careful consideration and research, you'll be able to find the perfect water heater that fits both your needs and your budget.  

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