How To Install A Hot Water Heater In Your Home

September 8, 2021

Mitchel Plumbing Gas

How To Install A Hot Water Heater In Your Home

The installation of an water heater is a relatively straightforward process, but there are some things that you should keep in mind. When installing the unit, consider where it will go and how it will be mounted.

An easy way to ensure the correct part is ordered with your order is to measure the width of your doorway or door frame before ordering your heater.

Water Heater Installation Process

Before you start your water heater installation you really need to know which water heater brand is going to be best for your house.

Watch this video to find out!

Now that you know which brand to use for your water heater installation lets go though the steps to get it installed

1. Disconnect the Water and Drain Tube

The water and drain tubes are called "pipes" by plumbers. The pipes that the water travels through are usually called "wet" pipes because they contain water. And the other pipes that the water drains into are called "dry" pipes. If you have a drain tube or pipe, you'll have to disconnect it from the water heater before removing it from its mounting.

Disconnecting the water and drain tubes helps with pressure safety. If you don't disconnect the pipes, you could end up with a severe water pressure problem in your home. It means that water pressure could build up and result in severely damaged pipes in your home.

2. Prepare the Area for Water Heater Installation

Before removing your old water heater, you should prepare the area for installing your new model. That way, you won't have to worry about ruining your wall or flooring like carpeting or tile. If you're adding onto a hot water heating unit that already exists, then you can skip this step.

3. Remove the Old Water Heater and Mounting

Some water heaters are attached by using straps, while others have the mounting bracket. The mounting bracket is what keeps the water heater in place. If you don't use the right tools to hold your new water heater while it's being mounted, then you could risk damaging it. It's much safer to use a water heater installation toolkit to mount your new model safely.

To remove the old water heater, you will have to unscrew it or remove the straps or brackets first. Then remove the inside of your home's water heater, which is usually held in by the brackets on either side of it. The outside mounting bracket is attached using a series of bolts or screws. But if your water heater does not have any brackets, then you can pull it out from the wall. Make sure that all electrical wires are disconnected from the unit before you take it apart.

4. Connect the New Water Heater

Use your water heater installation toolkit to mount your new water heater. Most kits come with a mounting bracket that's made of steel. If you have to connect both the cold and hot supply pipes, you should use a crimping tool. It's used for attaching compression fittings to pipes and tubing, which you can find at your local home improvement retailer.

5. Connect the Water and Drain Tubes

Use a tube cutter to cut the fresh water and drain tubes. Then connect the pipes to your water heater using a piece of pipe, like plastic tubing. Plastic tubing is easy to handle when installing your water heater and makes for much easier installation.

Be sure that you use pipe connectors that are appropriate for each type of pipe you're connecting. Then it's necessary to secure the water heater to your new source of water. The hot and cold control valves will determine the temperature that comes through your pipes.

So, you should use a valve that can handle the type of water pressure you expect to see. After you reconnect your water and drain tubes, turn on all your water supply valves. Then open all hot and cold faucets to ensure that no leaks occur.

6. Install A Thermostat

After you've installed your water heater, you should install a thermostat on it. The thermostat is used to regulate the temperature of the water in your home. It also keeps your hot water supply tank from overheating, which could cause a risk of fire or explosion.

Before you turn on your water heater for good, check the temperature setting and adjust accordingly. Also, make sure that you have turned the thermostat down to the lowest setting for optimum results.

Wrapping Up

Please note that the water heater installation process we’ve discussed is just a general procedure; we recommend that you read the recommendations from the manufacturer to make sure these directions do not void your warranty. These guidelines also may not apply to all brands. If you follow these directions and they do not work in your case, Mitchell Plumbing can not be held responsible.

If you need help or don’t want to go through all the hassles of installing an electric water heater yourself, why not leave this work to a professional? At Mitchell Plumbing, we’re always happy to help clients with their plumbing work. We can help you choose the right water heater that suits your needs, offer high-quality installation and make sure it works perfectly. Call us at 07 3733 3622 to talk to one of our electric water heater installation specialists.

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